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The Collaborative for Frontier Finance is a multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to increase access to capital for small and growing businesses in emerging markets

How does the Collaborative FOR FRONTIER FINANCE work?

The Collaborative for Frontier Finance works with diverse stakeholders – including fund managers, funders, and fieldbuilders – to accelerate financing solutions that target SGBs. We aim to set a common action agenda for SGB finance; to test and scale promising financing models; and to facilitate the flow of capital to the SGB market. With a bias to action, CFF works with stakeholders to identify, co-design and launch initiatives – or specific solutions that table SGB financing challenges - that are too complex for any one stakeholder to launch on their own.

We do this in three ways:






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Who’s INVOLVED IN the Collaborative for Frontier Finance?

With input from 80+ fund managers, funders, and fieldbuilders over the past year, the Collaborative for Frontier Finance is a multi-stakeholder initiative.